So I’m a writer. I’m even sometimes a paid one (yay!). I have this crazy idea that being a writer means that I should be telling stories – making observations about life, describing tiny parts of the universe, sharing tid-bits about people, both fictional and real.
But writers on the internet don’t do this. Instead, they all write about writing.
5 tips for a better blog post
10 ways to make your post go viral
11 essential steps to finish your novel
How to be a Copywriter and write your novel at the same time
Buy my book! Buy my book!! BUY MY BOOOOOOOOK!!!!
I’m not making any of these up. These are all actual headlines / tweets / posts I regularly see in my feed / stream / email newsletters.
Quit telling me how to write and tell me a fucking story.
Imagine if all a comedian did on Twitter was to tell you how to become a comedian. You’d say, fuck this guy. Tell me a fucking joke, and hit Unfollow.
And now that I’ve written this post, I’ve joined their ranks. Thanks a lot, The Internet.
*Okay, not all writers. There are some great ones on the internet who I adore. But ^ these jerks just ruin it.