The Ice Queen Cometh
When we entered the region of the stones, the temperature dropped 10 degrees and we knew we were now in the realm of the Ice Queen. “She’s here, too,” Mac
Occasionally, I set myself a challenge to write a flash fiction story every week. I have great intentions and start off well, but… Well, I always fail.
Anyway, below is the archive of the flash fiction pieces I did manage to write.
My personal favourites are:
But they’re all fun silly stories – occasionally dark – that will take you less than 4 minutes to read. Enjoy!
When we entered the region of the stones, the temperature dropped 10 degrees and we knew we were now in the realm of the Ice Queen. “She’s here, too,” Mac
I shuffled forward and accidentally bumped against the bag of the woman in front of me. “Sorry,” I mumbled, in response to her glare, and stepped back a little. It
Annalise woke at the edge of the I-45 to Montana. Dead in a ditch. Again. Not for the first time, she wondered at the sheer lack of imagination of it
I open up. I desire. I expire. This is what I do. This is what I have always done. ‘“I love you,” you said, and I felt it in my
Friday Flash Fiction: The slippers had been bought in Japan by a travelling aunt who had been everywhere, it seemed, except for Jan’s living room.
Friday Flash Fiction – new flash posted every Friday unless I’m too drunk to remember Just because you didn’t know we were here, doesn’t mean we didn’t exist. It was
Guido had eaten camel in Uzbekistan, scorpions in Mexico, bear in Russia. He’d even once eaten live baby eels right out of a boa’s belly. But this was his scariest meal yet.
He withdraws bloody claws, flicks chunks of bone to the side. He thinks about his first kill, back when he was a wee pup. He didn’t know then that Benny
When you spill salt on the table, you’re supposed to pick up a pinch and throw it over your left shoulder. This will, it is hoped, ward off evil spirits,
Serena thought death would smell, but it hadn’t – at least, not at first. She’d woken up in a room not too dissimilar to the one she’d last fallen asleep
Nat Newman is an award-winning writer of short stories, podcasts, feature articles, ghostwritten books, drunk text messages and a novella. She is also an actor, voice artist, tour host and creative writing tutor.
Nat Newman is an award-winning writer of short stories, podcasts, feature articles, ghostwritten books, drunk text messages and a novella. She is also an actor, voice artist, tour host and creative writing tutor.
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