Without banging on too much in the land of cliches, can I just let you all know that spring has sprung-diddly-ung and it’s absolutely marvellous!
Twelve hours of sunshine, warm sun, bright sky, cold beer. Before you know it we’ll be back at the sandpit bar laughing at kids falling over.

We stopped for a beer at Hemingway Bar today, a place which I heartily DO NOT recommend. They only serve small beer and to add insult to injury it’s 18 kuna a pop. Those people are on the wrong planet, or at the very least in the wrong city. If you’re paying more than 15 kuna for a large beer in Zagreb you’re in a place far too posh for anyone reading this blog! We also had a burrito at California Burrito Bar – which was good but so enormous that afterwards I had to have a lie down for an hour.
Exciting as my dietary habits are to you (no doubt) I actually got on here to say that the best part of today was coming home, throwing open the windows and listening to the students in the music conservatory. I’m not the biggest fan of opera but when it drifts in through your open windows for free on a sunny Friday afternoon while you lie on the couch digesting a burrito, well, who am I to complain?
Has spring sprung for you yet? Or is winter starting to creep in? What are you looking forward to?